Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Smithsonian Quests
I just finished my Smithsonian Quest. I did all 3 quests to get the badge, TimeTraveler. That  badge has to do with the ocean and creatures of the sea. The three Quests neccissary fot this badge are: Predator Pyramid, Sizing Up, and Tale of a Whale. In Predator Pyramid, I had to come up with a new ocean predator from the future. I had to base it off of prehistoric predators. My predator was called the underwater Lizard Bear. I also had to provide a picture of it, so i made one on the computer. in sizing Up, I had to Choose four predators from the Top Predators Timeline I looked at, and I had to compare their size to things from today, such as football feilds, pizzas, soccer nets, and dolpins. In Tale of a Whale, I had to read about Phoenix the Right Whale, and write a mini autobiography on her. Phoenix is a Right Whale, a species that is very endangered.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

U.S. Intervention in Haiti Article:
1. How have the Haitians reacted to the presence of U.S. marines in their country?

    Port-au-Prince, Haiti
   The United States marines have been in Haiti for some time now, and the Haitians have reacted strongly. Haitians really do not like the control that the marines have taken. When they got to Port-au-Prince, the marines put it under marshal law., and they began training a new Haitian militia. The marines invaded Haiti  and the Haitians dot like them being this invasive. Since this control has started, thousands of Haitians have been killed from marine response to resistance.
   The Haitians have responded to all of this very powerfully. Charlemagne Peralte has led a massive resistance movement. The movement is happening because the Haitians are so opposed to the marine control. They feel the American Occupation is insulting them, and oppressing them with taxes. Peralte called US president Woodrow Wilson a hypocrite, and is encouraging Haitians to resist the Americans  Peralte said they gave us "false promises, when they invaded our land, brought in almost four years of continuous insults, incredible crimes, killings, and theft". The Haitians feel firmly about this, and they demand liberation to their territory.
5/22 class
today in class we talked about the worksheets to the Monroe Doctrine, that we did yesterday.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Cherokee Poem:

 The Cherokee Indians' Burden

Pile on the Cherokees' Burden
Forced out of their home
Jackson ignored the case
The trail of tears they're going to have to roam
Forced out with only the clothes on their back
We're not savages, we're a nation
Compassion is what Jackson lacks.
"It will benefit the country"
That's what Jackson said
If we're forced to the east
Many will be dead.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Oregon Trail game
Everything in this game is done, and works, EXCEPT for the backgrounds.  I have been trying for 6 hours, and i can't get the backgrounds to change, so you cant play the game after the 2nd page.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4/23 class
today in class we did an activity on what it would be like to live in a sod house. we discussed what is was like living in a sod house, and the struggles that we would face without electricity, and in the long cold winter.
1.overall impression of the sod house- i think living in the sod house would be very difficult and miserable. cooking would be a struggle, and sleeping would be very uncomfortable. the fire would also be unsafe.
2. how long could you go before going insane- i could probably go a couple months before going insane being in a small sod house with my family.
3. city or great plains- based on what i have learned, i would have rather stayed in the city, then moved to the great plains. moving west would have required a lot of travelling, and even though i would have gotten a lot of land for not a lot of money, but it wouldn't be worth it. farming the land was difficult, and living in the sod house would have been horrible.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Effect the Erie Canal Had on Me
I am a pioneer. The Erie Canal had a very large effetc on me. Th Erie Canal has improved the traveling of goods from east to west, and then west to east. things can now be shipped faster, things can now be shipped must faster, using the canal. Since part of the canal runs through my farm land, i can now charge people to use tyhe bridge, and i make money. one negitive impact the canal hasd had, is that disesses, like cholera, are spreading much faster. alot of people are getting sick.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

4/2 class activity
today, in class we did a Snap Debate on the causes of the War of 1812. The four events were: the Orders in Councuil, Impressment, the Chsapeake Affair, and Incitement of Amerindians. The members of my group and I, thought that the most important cause of the war was Orders in Council. Wewere right, and we also convinced peopole from other groups.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Civil Rights Movement Story:

Myebook - The Civil Rights Movement - click here to open my ebook
These are the sources I used, but it wouldn't let me put links in the book:

cousin’s name:
SCLC/ spring 1963 info:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/20 class
today in class, we listened to Malcolm X's Message to the Grassroots speech, and we watched a video of Martin Luther King's I have a Dream Speech. we also talked about if some of the things in Martin Luther King's speech have or have not changed today.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Shirley Chisholm Documentary:
i couldn't get the music to upload, i have been trying since Saturday  and it won't work.

3/18 class
Today in class we talked about the importance of actually learning things, not just memorizing them, writing them on the test, and forgetting them after that. This is why Mr  Boyle gives us the creative projects, instead of tests. It is so we actually learn the material, and so we can further apply ourselves with this knowledge, and the knowledge of how to make these kinds of projects. After that we continued with the worksheets we did on Friday.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

3/14 class
today in class we talked about the Freedom Riders, took notes, and watched a video about them and the buses.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

2/28 class
today in class we talked about why african americans living in the south, after the cicvl war, might want to leave. we talked about how they would want to move to the north to escape racism and many other problems with the south. we read 4 poems by Langston Hughes, and listened to some jazz music from that time period.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2/27 class
yesterday in class, in groups, we read and answered questions on documents about Booker T Washington and W.E.B. Dubois.
today in class, we read documents about Marcus Garvey, and answered the questions about them.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

2/5 class
today in class we talked about, what Equal really means, and about equality, and we answered some questions on the case of Plessey vs. Ferguson.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address Questions:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

1/29 Class
today in class we briefly discussed the 13th and 15th amendments, then did a worksheet on the 14th amendment, and made a magazine cover form August 1865, advertising the 14th amendment being passed.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

the character i think i am:the Winnie the Pooh character i think i am is Owl. the quiz said i was Piglet:

"You are Piglet. You are timid, quiet, and like to stay in others' shadows. Though your shyness can irritate some, you are courageous when it counts and are always loyal to your friends"
.i think the quiz said i was piglet because i'm loyal to my friends, and im not really talkitive, but i dont really thnk i'm shy