1. How have the Haitians reacted to the presence of U.S. marines in their country?
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
The United States marines have been in Haiti for some time now, and the Haitians have reacted strongly. Haitians really do not like the control that the marines have taken. When they got to Port-au-Prince, the marines put it under marshal law., and they began training a new Haitian militia. The marines invaded Haiti and the Haitians dot like them being this invasive. Since this control has started, thousands of Haitians have been killed from marine response to resistance.
The Haitians have responded to all of this very powerfully. Charlemagne Peralte has led a massive resistance movement. The movement is happening because the Haitians are so opposed to the marine control. They feel the American Occupation is insulting them, and oppressing them with taxes. Peralte called US president Woodrow Wilson a hypocrite, and is encouraging Haitians to resist the Americans Peralte said they gave us "false promises, when they invaded our land, brought in almost four years of continuous insults, incredible crimes, killings, and theft". The Haitians feel firmly about this, and they demand liberation to their territory.